Neddy Smith is a professional musician and CEO at NedGJean International. He composes and writes his music, not only in a traditional style, but also by incorporating his vast international experiences. This is apparent in each of his releases.
My name is Neddy Smith, bassist, composer, and producer. Growing up in Jamaica was a very exciting time for me. As a young man, I had lots of friends, but I could not really go outside to play with them at will. So one day I took it upon myself, with a few friends, to go to the beach and have a swim without my parents knowing. We had fun, but when I got home my dad put a licking on me. And my other friends got some licking too. But what was important was that I missed my chores working in the shop. We had a grocery shop, and at certain point in the evening, it gets very busy and he always need some help. So for me not coming home early enough to do my chores, that's where the licking came. And we all cried. My friend mothers would beaten him, and my dad was spanking me, so we were just harmonizing cries of excitement and pain. But what was good about it, it was the community spirit. If one of us got spanking, the other one will because we were always together. I could not go home without him, and he could not come home without me. So we always had to be together because of the community from which we were born.
Last Updated: August 15, 2022