As part of the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 79), a high-level meeting to mark the 25th anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was held on November 25, 2024. Sir Shefik Macauley, Special Envoy to the United Nations for the Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan, attended the meeting in the General Assembly Hall at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York City. The Royal House of Ghassan is accredited by the United Nations being in Special Consultative Status since 2016 defending vigorously women's rights especially in the Middle East sponsoring girls and women's education since 2014. Sir Shefik sat through a plenary segment for statements by Member States and Observers of the General Assembly.
Occurring annually, the United Nations General Assembly designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (Resolution 54/134). The premise of the day is to raise awareness around the world that women are subjected to rape, domestic violence, and other forms of violence. Furthermore, one of the aims of the day is to highlight that the scale and true nature of the issue is often hidden.
According to the World Health Organization, in every country and culture, more action is needed to ensure women, in all their diversity, live a life free of violence and coercion.
Last Updated: December 9, 2024