Shanna Marie Wallace is a Spiritual Interfaith Minister, who inspires in her classes, workshops, and guest speaking appearances. Her passionate and purposeful work has been featured in The Bronx Times, Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, Yahoo, and Tech Insider.
Hi, I'm Shanna Marie Wallace, and I'm the CEO of Mind Yard New York. Today I'm talking about revolution. I attended my first revolution in 1986. I was still in the Philippines. And I remember being on my dad's shoulders, just observing, looking around, but having a great time. Felt like a family event. There was a school bus on its side. There were people rah-rah-rahing on one corner. I didn't remember explosions, but I remember what looked like an aftermath of a lot of explosions. The people were gathering to overthrow then President Marcos. But that seeded something in me in my spirit about what a revolution is. Of how I could participate, even as a young kid. And what that changes in peoples' lives, in our future. Fast forward to 2001, the Second EDSA Revolution. Another president was being overthrown by the people. And they got what they wanted. Revolution is such an effective tool of creating change. Now I live in New York. Haven't been part of any revolution, but I did attend a rally. And that's the closest to revolution that I got to. I was in City Hall rallying for jobs. And just the fact that I was there, standing, holding a picket sign, walking around with the people. It felt like I mattered, it felt like my voice matters. It felt like the collective, just that group that gathered, it wasn't a big group, it wasn't violent at all, no explosions, no nothing. But we asked for something, we asked for what we wanted. We asked for change, and we got it. I believe that revolution starts in our mind. If anything, that's what is instilled in me from that experience as a young kid. Once you question your thoughts, once we question our beliefs, we get into action, then we express it, outside ourself, so that society would be affected. A lot of people need change. A lot of people want to ask for change. I'm not encouraging a revolution, but I'm encouraging revolution in our minds. What do you want to question? What change do you need in your life? What revolution do you want to start?
Last Updated: September 10, 2021