Dr. Hassan Tetteh is a board-certified surgeon specializing in thoracic surgery, critical care, heart and lung transplantation, research and education. He is a member of the Washington Regional Transplant Community.
Hi, my name is Hassan Tetteh. I'm a physician and surgeon, and change is all around us. Change happens every day, yet I have found that myself and many others are very resistant to change. But change means so much to me, because change means growth. It means that there's a new beginning after an end. Change also means moving from a place of comfort to a place of discomfort. But in doing so, and moving to that place of discomfort, there is real opportunity for growth. That's really what change has meant in my life. Each time I've moved to a place where it was just a little uncomfortable, just a little unsecure, just a little uncertain, those moments of change have led to some of the greatest experiences in my life and the moments of most rapid and accelerated growth. Change is all around us. Change is natural. And without change, one can never grow. That's what change means to me.
Last Updated: August 15, 2022