In March 2004, Dan Bazile joined the news team at WNYT (a television affiliate of NBC), where he anchors "Weekend Today". Prior to that, he spent several years as an actor and freelance writer before jumping into television news in 1999.
Hi, my name is Dan Bazile, and I'm a newscaster, a television newscaster for the past 17 years and I've covered my share of revolutions, what I call glimpses of revolution, and I've also covered some historical revolution from the 50s, 60s, and even revolution from older than that like the French Revolution. So what I would say about revolutions is that today we've had glimpses of revolutions, like the Occupy Wall Street movement, for example. That movement was people's anger sort of came to kind of a boiling point and they started talking about it, and it was a big difference between today's revolutions, I would say, are, and glimpses of revolutions, they are small ones, I would say it's social media, that plays a major role in revolutions and whenever people's anger get out there and they get on social media and they start off those glimpses of revolutions. Even in other countries, like Egypt for example, they had a major revolution there and that was based on social media. So that's the major difference I would say today's revolutions have than the past revolutions. And also, I would also say, here in the United States the anger has not reached that boiling point for major revolutions. In my opinion, when you look at the anger today, and people may think that people are angry, but they're not as angry as in the past when we had major revolutions. That is another difference that I see today than in the past. So, what's gonna happen? People will be people and anger will get to a boiling point when we'll have another major revolution. That is bound to happen.
Last Updated: August 19, 2023